Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mexican Fútbol! :D

Hi everybody, as you can know and of course as you can see in my principal picture i really love soccer, actually Mexico is one of the most populations of soccer fans around the world, just for giving an example in the last world cup the black shirt of the Mexican team was the second most sold (only behind the Spain’s one).
Ok, now I want to update all of you about the Mexican soccer league… Right now there are 18 teams from different parts of the country; all teams have to play against each team making a total of 9 matches per week and it lasts around 17 byes.
                          TEAM                              PTS



















When it finishes the first 8 teams of the ranking classify to the quarters of final, then the winners go to the semi-final and to end the last two teams sort to the grand finale. So as we can see in the table of above CRUZ AZUL is the actual leader, if the tournament culminates right now, the playoffs would be like this: 
CRUZ AZUL (1st) vs Toluca (8th)
Monterrey (2nd) vs Jaguares (7th)
Santos (3th) vs Tigres (6th)
América (4th) vs San Luis (5th)
Sadly, the grand finale will be on 12th December and I will return to Mexico on 18th, so I can not watch it in Mexico.
If my favourite team keeps playing as well as it is doing it now, I am almost sure that my team will be the next championJ, but I don’t want to say anything because when I wish something too much, it never happens, so just let’s have hope!

Diaaaaaaary (:

Hello everyone! I hope you are allright, well today I did not have any ideas about what I can write in my blog, but I remembered that yesterday I went to Dollarama and I bought a small notebook in order to write my last experiences here in Canada; in other words I got a diary. But before I continue I want to give you a definition that I created by reading parts of one webpage:
Diary: “Is a genre of biography and specially an autobiography, which starts as a blank book where the writer may detail more personal information, write private thoughts and also describe recent events in his/her personal life” Wikipedia Online.
Personally each year after 31th December I always want to start writing my thoughts but my laziness never let me do it. So I hope to accomplish this goal, because during the last 2 months I have felt many sentiments and right now I can remember most of them but in 2 months when I am in Mexico surely I will forget them. Otherwise I know that if I do it, I will immortalize most of my experiences.
To conclude, I just want to mention that I expect having good experiences, Canada is a nice country, and it has changed my life, I have known many people and things that have helped me to know new stuffs about culture, language, etc… I’ll be here less than 50 days, so let’s see what this country brings us! J
My Diary ($1.25 is not bad haha)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bark Lake!

Hi everybody, how have you been? I hope everything is all right. Well I am here again to share you one of my many experiences that I have lived here in Canada, it is about my travel to Bark Lake:
We arrived on Friday September 24th and we slept there 2 days. All Tec student left and some other CIC students too at 8:30 am, the travel lasted around 3:30 hours, so we approximately arrived at 12:00 pm. At first all of us were too tired and we did not want to do the activities which the staff of Bark Lake tried to make us, the only thing that we enjoyed in the first day was the food (well all days were delicious). The rooms where we slept were not too bad, there were only a mattress and a sleeping bag, so you could sleep hot and without any problem.
The second day was much better than the first one because we recharged our batteries, in my opinion since that day I admired the nature of Bark Lake, the weather was great (9°C with a small rain) and we did many activities like: high ropes, arching and canoeing (it was a really tiring day) but at last of the day we had a meeting around a campfire, we sang and ate burned marshmallows. I think that everybody enjoyed it.
Finally the third day we went hiking inside the forest, we knew some signal which bears did in order to mark their territory. Also we saw many types of flora and I were for my first time at a kind of swamp, I really liked it. Personally, this trip is one of the best that I ever had in my life, the Canadian nature is very nice and I could get more relaxed and think more about myself. I am missing Bark Lake I hope someday I return again (:

Quiero ver / I want to see

Hi everyone, as well I promised in the previous post that someday I will translate one of my favorite songs called “Quiero Ver”. Today I am going to accomplish it; in the next lines will be a little fragment of the whole lyric:
This is the beginning: “Quiero ver tu risa todo el día, escuchar la melodía de tu voz, quisiera ser el brillo de tus ojos, el peine que desnuda tu esplendor, la esquina que te ve cuando caminas…”
This is my translation: “I want to see your smile all day, listening to the melody of your voice; I would like to be the shine of your eyes, the comb which shows your splendor, the corner which sees you when you are walking...”
Honestly it’s very difficult to transform this part to English because besides there are difficult and complex words to translate, the meaning of the sentence is hard to maintain it. Even so I really like this song because it reminds me a beautiful part of my life, furthermore the context of the song is great because it is about when you already had a bad love and you want to start a new one with a different person, so it gives the exact words to say to that person. For example one fragment says that “I promise to give you my not repaired heart” personally, this phrase is more than ideal, since you show your complete safety of the feelings to that special girl (in my case).

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Café Tacuba!!!

Hi everyboody, im so happy right now because it seems like i will sleep at 11 for my first time!! Finally i will sleep 8 hours :) (Thanks Mr. Ka for not giving us homework!) But before i go to bed i wanna share you one of my favorite songs, This group is from mexico and its name is Café Tacuba, they are so popular, many people love their some songs of them as well as their videos.

Furthermore here is a link where you can find the song "Quiero ser" (i want to be) this song is very romantic, it is perfect when you dont find the correct words to express your feeling to that person who you really love :) I think it is a good detail if you want to make girls (and maybe boys) go crazy! ;)

Cafe Tacuba! ;)

Perharps some day i will translate it by mysel just for you! :)

Monday, August 30, 2010


I have to confess that i am a really fan of Nintendo, since i was a child i asked to Santa Claus a Nintendo Sixty-four, then i bought a Game Cube and right now i have a Wii which i really miss it :(.

As i said before, i had a nintendo sixty four and i still play it, i love some games like Mario Kart, Super Mario 64, Banjoo Tooie or Super Smash Bros. Those games are totally classics and i don't want to break them down.

I will post some pictures and a funny video that i identifies myself. :)



Nice adventure! ;)

Good memories! ;)

Viva Mexico!

Well as a good mexican i have to know some history of my country, that is why i want to share you some information about what happens in each September 16th...

First, in this day but 200 years ago the independece of Mexico started in 1810, so it will turn a Bicentenary of freedom!!

During 1810 the country was in chaos and some masses of population started to rebel, one of those leader was Miguel Hidalgo, he In the early hours of September 16 rang the bell of his little church, calling everyone to fight for liberty. This was the beginning of the Independence War, which lasted 10 years.

That is why in each September 16th, all mexican decorate their houses, cars, streets, everything with the flag's colors (green, white and red) and also get together in a house or in the central park with their friends and family in order to accompany the governor or president in the shout.

This is Hidalgo and other rebels

A building decorated

The president in the event...