Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bark Lake!

Hi everybody, how have you been? I hope everything is all right. Well I am here again to share you one of my many experiences that I have lived here in Canada, it is about my travel to Bark Lake:
We arrived on Friday September 24th and we slept there 2 days. All Tec student left and some other CIC students too at 8:30 am, the travel lasted around 3:30 hours, so we approximately arrived at 12:00 pm. At first all of us were too tired and we did not want to do the activities which the staff of Bark Lake tried to make us, the only thing that we enjoyed in the first day was the food (well all days were delicious). The rooms where we slept were not too bad, there were only a mattress and a sleeping bag, so you could sleep hot and without any problem.
The second day was much better than the first one because we recharged our batteries, in my opinion since that day I admired the nature of Bark Lake, the weather was great (9°C with a small rain) and we did many activities like: high ropes, arching and canoeing (it was a really tiring day) but at last of the day we had a meeting around a campfire, we sang and ate burned marshmallows. I think that everybody enjoyed it.
Finally the third day we went hiking inside the forest, we knew some signal which bears did in order to mark their territory. Also we saw many types of flora and I were for my first time at a kind of swamp, I really liked it. Personally, this trip is one of the best that I ever had in my life, the Canadian nature is very nice and I could get more relaxed and think more about myself. I am missing Bark Lake I hope someday I return again (:

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